The Zones

Every Player aciton is peformed thorugh the Zones. It’s where you build your Deck, play your hand, and is the only area a Player can interact with.

Table Zones 1 through 4, from left to right

1) Play Zone

Place your cards here to perform their action. You may only play one card per turn. Cards you cannot afford to play due to insufficient resources will be returned to your Hand Zone.

2) Hand Zone

This is where your current hand of cards will appear. You can play cands by moving them to the Play Zone. You can also right-click cards and Play or Discard them through the context-menu. You can also use the numpad keys 1 and 0 as shortcuts to Play and Discard cards respectively.

3) Discard Zone

Dropping a card here will return it to your Deck. You can discard 1, 2, or 3 cards in a single turn. Your turn will end automatically after you have discarded 3 cards, or you may manually end it after discarding fewer cards.

4) Deck Zone

To start the game you mus place a valid deck onto the Deck Zone and Lock it. A valid deck is one that contains no more than 280 cards, with no more than 5 copies of each card. The deck will be checked when you try and lock in.

You can spawn new decks with the “Spawn Deck” menu. You may customise these decks, adding and removing according to your preferences. It is recommended to start with the “Full Deck” if you wish to customise it.

The Board

The board is where the action takes place! It shows the current state of the game and while it cannot be interacted with directly it’s worth keeping an eye on to see the various animations and effects happen.

Table Pieces 1 through 5

1) Castle

This is your Castle. When it reaches level 100 you win the game! Defend it at all costs, if it reaches level 0 you lose!

2) Wall

A defensive wall that can absorb incoming attacks to protect your Castle. But be warned, some attacks can bypass the wall completely!

3) Soldier’s Barracks

Any Soldiers you recruit will reside in the barracks, increasing your available Swords each turn. This building cannot be attacked.

4) Mage’s Tower

This is where your Mages live. The crystals they produce are also stored here. This building cannot be attacked.

5) Builder’s Lodge

Home to your builders, the Lodge also creates and stores the raw materials (bricks) required to build your Castle and Wall. This building cannot be attacked.

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