Installing the Game

Quick install

Installing the game is very straightforward. Simply head to the Steam Workshop page and click the Subscribe button. The game will then be available in the Workshop section of the Games window in Tabletop Simulator.

Subscribe on Steam

Manual install

This should only be done if you wish to modify or contribute to the game.

1) Clone the main repository to a folder on your local drive

2) Create a symlink in your TTS saves folder to the tts-saves folder contained in this project. Examples:
Default save location:

mklink /D "C:\Users\Richard\Documents\My Games\Tabletop Simulator\Saves\Castle Wars" "H:\Unity Projects\tts-castle-wars\Assets\tts-saves"

Custom save location:

mklink /D "S:\tts-saves\Saves\Castle Wars" "C:\projects\tts-castle-wars\Assets\tts-saves"

3) Update your editor plugin with a reference to the parent folder you cloned the project into. For the examples shown above, using the VSCode plugin, this would mean editing the TTSLua: Include Other Files Paths setting to include the following paths:

  • C:\projects
  • H:\Unity Projects

4) Load the game in Tabletop Simulator

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